Game User Analysis

Quick StartCustom AI

Gaming is one of the very important elements to understanding the perception and psychology of consumers.
If the game digs into consumer perceptions well, popularity is getting higher and new players are introduced in seconds. Millions of people play video games every day around the world. All of these people leave a lot of valuable data that can be of great help to game developers.
Social and customer data analysis can help you understand your customers' attitudes toward your brand and predict buying decisions and brand loyalty. This allows you to analyze social and customer data, understand your perception of the game and develop effective product strategies.

Main function

1. Game User Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Purchasing Analysis
  • Item purchase preference prediction
  • Customer churn rate prediction
2. Data Security System
  • Thorough data security through security processing
3. Providing various services
  • Interlocking between apps, web and programs is possible by providing various programming languages

API Summary

Data Data type Content Use mode
Input data CSV Number of customers, customer information, purchase rate, bounce rate, inflow rate, etc. API
Output data CSV Customer churn prediction

Application procedure

Payment Subscription method Attached file upon application
Prepaid charge Online Customer data required for model creation
Application procedure
  • Apply for service at Home page
  • Training data upload 
  • Consultant review and confirmation of availability
  • Business verification and online contract signing
  • Model generation
  • Use the generated artificial intelligence as an API