Sales Prediction

Quick StartCustom AI

The key to supply and demand management is accurate sales forecasting. There shouldn't be too much inventory left behind, causing damage, or returning customers because they don't have enough products.
Sales forecasting can increase the flexibility of supply and demand and reduce the burden of inventory by identifying and responding to which products are most needed in which period. In addition, sales insights can influence many factors, such as financial budget, supply/demand management, product launch time, price adjustments, and more. Through sales forecasting using DS2 AI, you can not only analyze trends according to time, region, and product, suggest future sales directions but also plan business directions accordingly.

Main function

1. Strategic Planning-Sales Prediction
  • Manpower management
  • Inventory Management
2. Data Security System
  • Thorough data security through security processing
3. Providing various services
  • Interlocking between apps, web and programs is possible by providing various programming languages

API Summary

Data Data type Content Use mode
Input data CSV Sales data (branches, dates, holidays, past sales records), Additional information (temperature, CPI, specific events, etc.) API
Output data CSV  Sales volume (sales income) forecast

Application procedure

Payment Subscription method Attached file upon application
Prepaid charge Online Customer data required for model creation
Application procedure
  • Apply for service at Home page
  • Training data upload 
  • Consultant review and confirmation of availability
  • Business verification and online contract signing
  • Model generation
  • Use the generated artificial intelligence as an API