Recruitment Management

Quick StartCustom AI

Resume and self-introduction are very important criteria when conducting management activities so that we can employ the right person for the job and show maximum ability. However, it is inefficient to check each of the dozens or hundreds of job applications, and filtering applications based on uniform evaluation criteria may result in missing talent hidden behind the scenes.
Using artificial intelligence, you can analyze the characteristics of the resume and cover letter created by the job applicant. By matching and comparing the data of resumes and cover letter of existing employees with their job performance, you can predict the job performance of new employees and use it as a basis for predicting document suitability and suitable position.

Main function

1. Recruitment Management
  • Determining whether the job position is suitable(Qualification requirements can be met and scored through resume analysis)
  • Use of necessary questions during the interview (Used to extract essential questions by extracting the main contents of resume and self-introduction)
  • Utilization of task placement and expected performance measurement (Propose a position that can fully utilize the applicant's capabilities, including the field of application)
2. Data Security System
  • Thorough data security through security processing
3. Providing various services
  • Interlocking between apps, web and programs is possible by providing various programming languages

API Summary

Data Data type Content Use mode
Input data CSV Job applicant data(Resume, cover letter, etc.)
Successful candidate data(Resume, cover letter, recruitment department, job, evaluation, etc.)
Output data CSV  Predic job suitability of job applicant

Application procedure

Payment Subscription method Attached file upon application
Prepaid charge Online Customer data required for model creation
Application procedure
  • Apply for service at Home page
  • Training data upload 
  • Consultant review and confirmation of availability
  • Business verification and online contract signing
  • Model generation
  • Use the generated artificial intelligence as an API